Thursday, July 20, 2006


The Immutable Laws of the Universe

As you probably know, there are some physical laws of the universe which cannot be broken. The most commonly known one is the speed of light. Nothing can exceed it. Einstein proved it theoretically and it has been proven empirically as well. If you try to break the speed of light, time will even slow down to keep you from going faster than the speed of light. Which segues into the next immutable law of the universe...

... waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles. I get there, check in, and get the OK from the gentleman at the desk who gives me a number, a308. Not bad since they are on a301! Unfortunately, I sit through e304, m456, h867, etc. A number is called. Nobody shows. Wait again, and again. My number finally comes up.

I go to the desk. She looks at my paperwork and... "Sorry you need a different form to verify your birth date. That guy at the desk always forgets to check them." ...They won't accept a birth certificate from a hospital?

Anyway... Please remember, this is not their fault. They are nice people. They just cannot break the immutable law of waiting at the DMV.

So, she keeps my application and gives me a paper that lets me skip to the front of the line if I come back that day with the proper paper. I hurry home. Get the paper. Boldly walk to the front of the line holding the special "go to the front of the line paper" while ignoring the stares of those standing in the line that snakes through the lobby. I get a new number. It is called before I can even walk away from the counter!

(Now technically, this should count as part of the first visit, but I am counting this as a second visit that is going at super speed flying in the face of an immutable law.)

I gleefully slide my documents over to her in amazement at how quickly this is going. She takes them. Looks around a bit and... she cannot find the form they had kept! Bam, I run smack into the immutable law. About 20 minutes later the form is found. The immutable law of the DMV has again been validated, and finally...

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